7th Futsal Cup for Peace opened
The attendants of the ceremony were addressed by President of the Municipality of Apatin Dr. Zivorad Smiljanic, Mayor of Sombor Sasa Todorovic, Secretary General in CISM Colonel Mambi Koita, and Chief of Serbian Delegation to CISM Brigadier General Sinisa Radovic, who opened the tournament.
In his address, General Radovic thanked CISM for the given trust and promised that the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces would give their maximum to carry out the tournament in perfect order.
Colonel Koita thanked the Ministry of Defence, the Serbian Armed Forces and the Serbian Delegation for accepting the organization, and said that the tournament was the beginning of the second round of tournaments with participants from the countries of former Yugoslavia, organized within the Project for Peace, one of the most important ones in CISM.
Co-organizers of the tournament are the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces of Serbia, West Backa District, Municipality of Apatin, and the City of Sombor, while 1st Training Center Sombor and the Serbian Delegation to CISM provide technical support for the realization of the tournament.
In the first tournament match, the team of Bosnia and Herzegovina beat Slovenia 5:1, while the Serbian team beat Croatia 4:1.