
Minister Gašić declares 3rd CISM World Military 3x3 Basketball Championship open

Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the 3rd CISM World Military 3x3 Basketball Championship in Novi Sad today.

Minister Gašić said in his opening speech that military sport is a reflection of chivalry and friendship and greeted foreign competitors expressing hope that they will have the best memories of our country after they leave.

- Serbia is an open-hearted country that greets with open arms everyone who comes in peace and shows goodwill. The natural beauty of our country, our historical heritage, culture, hospitality, numerous sporting events and festivals attract millions of visitors from all over the world every year. We perceive the opportunity to host the World Military 3x3 Basketball Championship as a sign of trust that the International Military Sport Council places in the Serbian Ministry of Defence, but also as a sign of recognition for our country and people - said Minister Gašić.
Addressing the competitors, he noted that Novi Sad is the home of multiple 3x3 basketball world champions.

  - I am confident that this fact will further motivate all teams to do their best. Morale and physical fitness have always been important for both sports and the military. Strength, skill and endurance are qualities that every soldier and every athlete should have. On the other hand, commitment, determination, desire to win, collective spirit and moral strength are just as valuable on sports fields as they are on the battlefield – said Minister Gašić.
According to him, the idea of ​​the International Military Sports Council is to promote through sports competitions understanding, cooperation and friendship among members of the armed forces of various countries.
- We support this idea by participating in numerous military sporting events. Dear competitors, you have the honour of fighting on the sports field under the flags of your countries and symbols of your armed forces. Be sure to do this showing respect for your opponents, selflessly, bravely and chivalrously. May luck be with you and may the best team win - said Minister Gašić and declared the championship open.

At the opening ceremony, a member of the CISM Board of Directors, Major General Oleg Botsman from the Russian Armed Forces, presented Minister Gašić with the Grand Officer award, and Provincial Secretary for Sports and Youth Dane Basta with the Grand Knight award.
The head of the Serbian delegation to the CISM, Colonel Assoc. Prof. Negovan Ivanković, greeted the competitors and offered them his best wishes for a successful competition.
- I firmly believe that sport is a social activity of immense importance for strengthening and keeping alive the military ethos, and I am really glad that members of all participating countries will be able to feel the atmosphere and be part of this magnificent sporting event. This championship is a unique opportunity for you to show your level of excellence, jointly promoting the values ​​cherished by the International Military Sports Council, such as solidarity, honesty and determination - said Colonel Ivanković.

 State Secretary in the Ministry of Sport Marko Kešelj greeted all the championship participants and wished them luck and success.
- It gives me great pleasure to greet you on behalf of the Ministry of Sport. In previous years, the Republic of Serbia successfully organized major sports competitions, just like this one that is taking place in Novi Sad. I am confident that in the coming days you will see that Novi Sad is a city of sports and I hope you will leave here with lots of good memories, new friends and sporting success - said Kešelj.
The opening ceremony was attended by Head of the Office of the Minister of Defence, Brigadier General Goran Momčilović, Rector of the Defence University, Brigadier General Prof. Boban Đorović, members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, Mayor of Novi Sad Milan Đurić and President of the Olympic Committee of Serbia Božidar Maljković.

 The 3rd CISM World Military Basketball Championship will feature 16 men's and 12 women's military national teams from 20 CISM member states. All matches will be played today and tomorrow in the Small Hall of PE Sports and Business Centre Vojvodina - SPENS, and admission is free to all visitors.
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Minister Gasic's address
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Colonel Ivankovic's address
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State Secretary Keselj's address
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The opening ceremony of the CISM World Military 3x3 Basketball Championship